
Quality is more important than growth

The growth company, Alektum Group, aims at a turnover of SEK 1.1 billion in 2019. The ambition is high but the company is, according to Mats Augurell, CEO of Alektum Group, well equipped for the future.

– Digitisation affects all industries and we see that our financial solutions are increasingly in demand. Many of our core customers operate in retail and e-commerce, he says.

The Swedish family-owned company Alektum Group offer the customers solutions for sustainable cash flows. In recent years, they have been growing rapidly, and have operations in 18 European countries.

– Alektum Group has existed since 1992 when we started as a pure debt collection company. Business went well, and in 2015 we took a strategic decision to merge 28 companies into one Alektum Group. It allowed us to take a new grasp of the market, and also meant an opportunity to distinguish the uniqueness of our offering, says Mats Augurell, CEO.

International IT system

In 2014, Alektum Group had 200 employees and reported a turnover of SEK 350 million. At the end of last year, it had increased to SEK 900 million.

– Today we are over 600 employees. We have organic growth and I look very positive to the future. We have a unique and international IT system that enables us to make quick decisions and optimise our customers’ business conditions, says Mats Augurell.

Focus on e-Commerce

Alektum Group made a decision at an early stage to capitalise on the digitalisation trend, focusing on e-commerce. They help their customers to identify the consumer’s potential ability to pay. This means in practice that a financially solid customer is provided with several payment options, while consumers with weaker financial situations only get the direct payment option when shopping.

– Our business is about helping other companies to grow through our financial solutions and advice. What sets us apart from our competitors is that we look at the consumer’s future ability to pay. We do not judge anyone in advance, and we work hard on the over-indebtedness in society, says Mats Augurell.

Easy to work with us

Debt collection still constitutes a major part of the business in Alektum Group. Mats Augurell points out that the company’s long experience in debt collection generates an interest also for other closely related services.

– We work a lot with our company values and our relationship with our customers. For us, quality is more important than growth, it should be easy to work with us – and we are incredibly effective.